Our device MeerKAD® Weather allows to connect sensors for hydrological and climatic measures. Using this network interface card can be registered meteorological and hydrological data of the zones where it’s installed, make comparisons of dará with other stations and créate alerts in real time if its required.

MeerKAD® Weather let the connection up to 12 analog sensors whose output is the standard 4-20 mA, 6 ports at 10 bits and 6 ports at 16 bits of resolution. It’s gifted of 4 serial ports for the connection of sensors RS232 enlarging its capacity of measurement, 2 ports to measure counts or interruptions and a current sensor up to 30A DC. 

Additionally, it counts with 2 ports that can be used as programmed switches up to 8A.    

Currently, MeerKAD® Weather is installed and operating in different zones of Huila department getting data from climatically variables as: rain, velocity and wind direction, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, UV radiation, atmospheric presión, evaporation, velocity and hydrological fonts level, allowing it to turn also into a source of information for early alerts systems.

Our solution is completely compatible with integrated stations and sensors that fit in the standards mentioned above.

Recolected data is transmitted for later be shown in MeerKAD Web App or in our mobile app for iOS and Android "MeerKAD".